Our Partners

We are member of Thurgau Tourism, Schweizmobil and we are classified by the Swiss Tourism Federation.


Top Maps with signposted routes for hiking, biking, mountainbiking, skating and canoing in the region.

To the map

Thurgau Tourismus

Information about outdoor activities (biking, hiking, skating) and gastronomy around the Lake Constance and Thurgau.

More information about Thurgau Tourismus

Bildungsstätte Sommeri (d’BS)

It is our ambition to employ people with disabilities, which is why we work in cooperation with the Bildungsstätte Sommeri (d'BS). There, people with cognitive impairments find training, living and working in places of their choice. The motivated employees together with an experienced leading staff and support team maintain the garden of the guesthouse and wash and iron our laundry in their in-house laundry.

More information about the Bildungsstätte